Shared Mutex (Read/write lock)

In C++14/C++17, a new kind of mutex, called shared mutex, is introduced.

Unlike other mutex types, a shared mutex has two levels of access:

  • shared: several threads can share ownership of the same mutex.
  • exclusive: only one thread can own the mutex.

This is useful in situations where we may allow multiple parallel readers or one writer to operate on a block of data.

As it is part of the future C++ standard, cppreference already has detailed documentation. Below is just a brief summary of the relevant classes and functions. (In CLUE++, we provide a C++11 implementation for these types, and the names are in the namespace clue, instead of std).

Here is an example of how shared_mutex can be used in practice.

using namespace clue;

class MyData {
    std::vector<double> data_;
    mutable shared_mutex mut_;   // the mutex to protect data_;

    void write() {
        unique_lock<shared_mutex> lk(mut_);
        // ... write to data_ ...

    void read() const {
        shared_lock<shared_mutex> lk(mut_);
        // ... read the data ...

// --- main program ---

MyData a;

std::thread t_write([&](){

std::thread t_read1([&](){;

std::thread t_read2([&](){;

// t_read1 and t_read2 can simultaneously read a,
// while t_write is not writing

Class shared_mutex

class shared_mutex

A mutex class that allows multiple thread to maintain shared ownership at the same time, or a thread to maintain exclusive ownership.

Note:It is a default constructor and a destructor, while the copy constructor and assignment operator are deleted.
Note:This class is accepted to the C++17 standard.

The table below lists its member functions:

void lock()

Locks the mutex (acquires exclusive ownership), blocks if the mutex is not available.

bool try_lock()

Tries to lock the mutex.

Returns immediately. On successful lock acquisition returns true, otherwise returns false.

void unlock()

Unlocks the mutex.

Note:The mutex must be locked by the current thread of execution, otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
void lock_shared()

Acquires shared ownership of the mutex.

If another thread is holding the mutex in exclusive ownership, a call to lock_shared will block execution until shared ownership can be acquired.

bool try_lock_shared()

Tries to lock the mutex in shared mode. Returns immediately. On successful lock acquisition returns true, otherwise returns false.

void unlock_shared()

Releases the mutex from shared ownership by the calling thread.

Note:The mutex must be locked by the current thread of execution in shared mode, otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

Class shared_timed_mutex

class shared_time_mutex

Similar to shared_mutex, shared_timed_mutex allows multiple shared ownership or one exclusive ownership. In addition, it provides the ability to try to acquire the exclusive or shared ownership with a timeout.

Note:This class is introduced in C++14.

The class shared_timed_mutex provides all the member funtions as in shared_mutex. In addition, it provides the following members:

bool try_lock_for(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration)

Tries to lock the mutex (acquire exclusive ownership).

Blocks until specified duration has elapsed or the lock is acquired, whichever comes first. On successful lock acquisition returns true, otherwise returns false.

bool try_lock_until(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> &t)

Tries to lock the mutex (acquire exclusive ownership).

Blocks until specified due time t has been reached or the lock is acquired, whichever comes first. On successful lock acquisition returns true, otherwise returns false.

bool try_lock_shared_for(const std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> &duration)

Tries to lock the mutex in shared mode (acquire shared ownership).

Blocks until specified duration has elapsed or the lock is acquired, whichever comes first. On successful lock acquisition returns true, otherwise returns false.

bool try_lock_shared_until(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> &t)

Tries to lock the mutex in shared mode (acquire shared ownership).

Blocks until specified due time t has been reached or the lock is acquired, whichever comes first. On successful lock acquisition returns true, otherwise returns false.

Class shared_lock

class shared_lock
template <class Mutex>
class shared_lock;

The class shared_lock is a general-purpose shared mutex ownership wrapper allowing deferred locking, timed locking and transfer of lock ownership.

The shared_lock locks the associated shared mutex in shared mode (to lock it in exclusive mode, std::unique_lock can be used)