Miscellaneous Utilities

CLUE also provides some utilities that are handy in programming practice. These utilities are provided by the header <clue/misc.hpp>.


make_unique<T>(args...) constructs an object of type T and wraps it in a unique pointer of class std::unique_ptr<T>.

Here, args are the arguments to be forwarded to the constructor.

It is equivalent to unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)).


Accepts arbitrary arguments and does nothing.

The purpose of this function is mainly to trigger the execution of all the argument expressions in a variadic context.

class temporary_buffer
template<typename T>
class temporary_buffer

Tempoary buffer.

An object of this class invokes std::get_temporary_buffer on construction, and std::return_temporary_buffer on destruction.


A temporary buffer is supposed to be used locally, and it is not copyable or movable.


#include <clue/misc.hpp>

void myfun(size_t n) {
    // calls std::get_temporary_buffer to acquire a buffer
    // that can host at least n integers.
    temporary_buffer<int> buf(n);

    size_t cap = buf.capacity();  // get the size that are actually allocated
    int *p = buf.data();  // get the memory address

    // do somthing with buf ...

    // upon exit, the buffer will be returned by calling
    // std::return_temporary_buffer