Monadic Parser

We provide the class mparser to facilitate the implementation of parsers. Specifically, this class implements a light-weight monadic parser combination framework, that allows one to compose basic parsing rules to parse more complex patterns.


Here are two examples on how practical parsers can be implemented with mparser.

The first example is to parse a given string ex in the form of <name> = <value>, where name is a typical identifier and value is an integer. Here, spaces are dealt with using the skip_spaces method.

// the namespace that hosts a number of basic parsing rules
using namespace mpar;

// the variables to store the views of extracted parts
string_view lhs, rhs;

// construct an mparser, and skip leading spaces
mparser mp(ex);
mp = mp.skip_spaces();

// extract left-hand-side
mp = mp.pop() >> identifier() >> pop_to(lhs);

// ensure the existence of '='
// blanks(0) means at least 0 blank characters
mp = mp >> blanks(0) >> ch('=') >> blanks(0);

// extract right-hand-side
mp = mp.pop() >> digits() >> pop_to(rhs);

The second example is to parse a function call, in the form of fun(arg1, arg2, ...), where the arguments can be variable names, or real numbers.

using namespace mpar;

// the variables to store the views of extracted parts
string_view fname, arg;
std::vector<string_view> args;

// construct an mparser and skip leading spaces
auto mp = mparser(ex).skip_spaces();

// extract function name
mp = mp.pop() >> identifier() >> pop_to(fname);

// locate the left bracket
mp = mp >> blanks(0) >> ch('(') >> blanks(0);

// loop to extract arguments
auto term = either_of(identifier(), realnum());
mp = foreach_term(mp, term, ch(','), [&](string_view e){
assert(!mp.failed() && mp.next_is(')'));


It is noteworthy that parsing is not a pure procedure. When parts are detected/extracted, they need to be processed by other components of a larger program, e.g. being fed to higher-level analysis or translated to other forms. Compared to heavy frameworks, such as ANTLR and Boost Spirit, our light-weight approach is more efficient and easier to embed into a C++ program.

The basic_mparser class template

The signature of the class template is:

class basic_mparser
template<typename CharT>
class basic_mparser;
Parameters:CharT – The character type, e.g. char or wchar_t.

Two alias types are defined:

typedef basic_mparser<char> mparser
typedef basic_mparser<wchar_t> wmparser

Within the class, there are several useful public typedefs:

types definitions
value_type CharT
iterator const CharT*
const_iterator const CharT*
size_type std::size_t
view_type basic_string_view<CharT>
string_type basic_string<CharT>

The mparser maintains three pointers, namely, anchor, begin, and end. The part [anchor, begin) is considered as the matched part, which the parser has scanned, while the part [begin, end) is the remaining part, which the parser may process in future. It also maintains a boolean flag to indicate whether the parsing failed.


basic_mparser(iterator a, iterator b, iterator e, bool fail = false) noexcept

Construct an m-parser with all fields given.

  • a – The anchor pointer.
  • b – The beginning pointer.
  • e – The pass-by-end pointer.
  • fail – Whether the parser is tagged as failed. Default is false.
basic_mparser(view_type sv)

Construct an m-parser from a string view.

It sets both anchor and begin to, and end to + sv.size().

basic_mparser(const string_type &s)

Construct an m-parser from a standard string.

It is equivalent to basic_mparser(view_type(s)).

basic_mparser(const CharT *s)

Construct an m-parser over a C-string.

It is equivalent to basic_mparser(view_type(s)).

basic_mparser(view_type sv, size_type pos)

Construct an m-parser from a string view, starting from pos.

It sets both anchor and begin to + pos, and end to + sv.size().

basic_mparser(const string_type &s, size_type pos)

Equivalent to basic_mparser(view_type(s), pos).

basic_mparser(const CharT *s, size_type pos)

Equivalent to basic_mparser(view_type(s), pos).


The string range does not own the memory. It only maintains pointers. Hence, it is important to ensure that the underlying string remains valid throughout its lifetime.


iterator anchor() const

Get the anchor pointer (of the matched part).

iterator begin() const

Get the beginning pointer (of the remaining part).

iterator end() const

Get the pass-by-end pointer.

operator bool() const noexcept

Return !failed().

bool failed() const noexcept

Return whether the parsing was failed.

size_type matched_size() const noexcept

Get the size of the matched part, i.e. [anchor, begin).

bool remain() const noexcept

Get whether the remaining part is non-empty, i.e. begin != end.

size_type remain_size() const noexcept

Get the size of the remaining part.

CharT operator[](size_type i) const

Get the i-th character of the remaining part (without bounds checking).

CharT at(size_type i) const

Get the i-th character of the remaining part (with bounds checking).

CharT front() const

Get the first character of the remaining part.

view_type matched_view() const noexcept

Convert the matched part to a string view.

string_type matched_string() const

Convert the matched part to a standard string.

view_type remain_view() const

Convert the remaining part to a string view.

bool next_is(CharT c) const noexcept

Test whether the next character is c.

Equivalent to !failed() && remain() && front() == c.

bool next_is(view_type sv) const noexcept

Test whether the parser is not failed and the remaining part starts with sv.

bool next_is(const char *s) const

Equivalent to next_is(view_type(s)).


The class basic_mparser provides a series of methods to manipulate the m-parser. Note that these methods do not change the current m-parser, instead, they return the manipulated m-parser as a new one.

basic_mparser pop() const noexcept

Pop the matched part, i.e. move anchor to begin.

basic_mparser pop_to(string_view &dst) const noexcept

Store the matched part to dst and then pop.

basic_mparser skip_to(iterator p) const

Move begin to p.

basic_mparser skip_by(size_type n) const

Move begin forward by n characters.

Equivalent to skip_to(begin() + n).

basic_mparser skip(Pred &&pred) const

Skip all characters that satisfy pred, i.e. those characters on which pred yields true.

basic_mparser skip_spaces() const noexcept

Skip spaces.

Equivalent to skip(chars::is_space).

basic_mparser skip_until(Pred &&pred) const

Skip until it reaches the end or hits a character that satisfies pred.

basic_mparser fail() const noexcept

Tag the m-parser as failed.

We also provide a set of manipulators, which can be used with the insertion operator, to accomplish similar functionalities. The advantage of such manipulators is that they can be used in a way similar to a matching rule. These manipulators are defined within the namespace clue::mpar.


Get a manipulator that pops the matched part, moving anchor to begin.

Note:m >> mpar::pop() is equivalent to m.pop().
mpar::pop_to(string_view &dst)

Get a manipulator that pops the matched part, and stores it to dst.

Note:m >> mpar::pop_to(dst) is equivalent to m.pop_to(dst).
mpar::skip_by(size_t n)

Get a manipulator that skips n characters.

Note:m >> mpar::skip_by(n) is equivalent to m.skip(n).
mpar::skip(const Pred &pred)

Get a manipulator that skips all characters that satisfy pred.

Note:m >> mpar::skip(pred) is equivalent to m.skip(pred).
mpar::skip_until(const Pred &pred)

Get a manipulator that skips until it reaches the end or hits a character that satisfies pred.

Note:m >> mpar::skip_until(pred) is equivalent to m.skip_until(pred).

Matching Rules

basic_mparser operator>>(basic_mparser &m, Rule &&rule) const

Monadic binding with a given rule.

Generally, rule is a function that tries to match a pattern with the remaining part (or a leading sub-string thereof). Specifically, rule takes as input the beginning pointer b and pass-by-end pointer e and returns a m-parser (of class basic_mparser<CharT>) that indciates the parsing results.

The returned parser rm should satisfy the following requirement:

  • rm.anchor() == b
  • rm.end() == e
  • rm.begin() indicates the pass-by-end of the matched part.
  • rm.failed() indicates whether the matching failed.

This binding operator >> works as follows:

  • If m.failed(), it returns m immediately.
  • Otherwise, it tries to match the remaining part by calling rm = rule(m.begin(), m.end()). If rm.failed(), it returns, otherwise it forwards the beginning pointer of the remaining part to rm.begin(), namely, returning m.skip_to(rm.begin()).

We provide a series of pre-defined rules and combinators. By combining these facilities in different ways, one can derive parsers for different purposes. All such facilities are within the namespace clue::mpar.

ch(const Pred &pred)

Get a rule that matches a character satisfying pred.

See Predicates for a set of pre-defined predicates on characters, e.g. chars::is_space, chars::is_digit, etc.

ch(char c)

Get a rule that matches a character c.

Note:This is equivalent to ch(eq(c)).
ch_in(const char *s)

Get a rule that matches a character containes in s.

Note:This is equivalent to ch(in(s)).
chs(const Pred &pred)

Get a rule that matches one or more characters that satisfy pred.

chs(const Pred &pred, int lb)

Get a rule that matches a sub-string that with at least lb characters that satisfy pred.

If lb is zero, it can match no character (but still considered as a successful match).

chs(const Pred &pred, int lb, int ub)

Get a rule that matches a sub-string that with at least lb and at most ub characters that satisfy pred.

If ub is set to -1, there is no upper limit.

chs_fix(const Pred &pred, int n)

Get a rule that matches exactly n characters that satisfy pred.


Equivalent to chs(chars::is_alpha).


Equivalent to chs(chars::is_digit).


Equivalent to chs(chars::is_alnum).


Equivalent to chs(chars::is_blank).

blanks(int lb)

Equivalent to chs(chars::is_blank, lb).

term(string_view sv)

Get a rule that matches a given string.

term(const CharT *s)

Get a rule that matches a given string.

Note:It is equivalent to term(basic_string_view<CharT>(s)).
maybe(const Rule &rule)

Get a rule that optionally matches rule.

For a typical rule (except for example chs(pred, 0)), if the leading part of the remaining part is not a match, it will return a failed m-parser. This rule simply returns the current parser (without tagging it as failed) when no match is found.

either_of(const R1 &r1, ...)

Construct a rule that combines one or more rules in an either-or way.

Particularly, it tries the given rules one-by-one until it finds a match. If all given rules failed, it returns a the current m-parser tagged as failed.

chain(const R1 &r1, ...)

Construct a chain-rule that matches a sequence of patterns.


Get a rule that matches a typical identifier.

A string is considered as an identifier, if it begins with _ or an alphabetic character, which is then optionally followed by a sequence of characters that are either _, alphabetic, or digits.


Get a rule that matches an integer.

An integer pattern optionally starts with + or -, and then it follows with a sequence of digits.


Get a rule that matches a real number in decimal or scientific format, e.g. 12, -12.34, 2.5e-6, etc.

List Parsing

mparser foreach_term(mparser m, const Term &term, const Sep &sep, F &&f)

This function parses a delimited list.

It scans a list according to the given pattern as term1 sep term2 sep ... until it reaches the end or a part that does not satisfy the required pattern. Whenever it encounters a new term, it invokes the input functor f on the term.

  • m – The input m-parser.
  • term – The rule for matching a term.
  • sep – The rule for matching a separator.
  • f – The functor to be invoked on each term (as a string_view).

It returns an m-parser skipped to the end of the matched part.

Optional spaces are allowed between terms and separators.

See the example at the beginning of this document section.