Meta-sequence: Sequence of Types

In meta-programming, it is sometimes useful to process a list of types, in a way that is similar to std::vector. CLUE++ provides facilities to support such operations in compile-time. Like other meta-programming tools, all these facilities are also in the namespace clue::meta.


In CLUE++, we use a variadic class template meta::seq_, defined below, to indicate a sequence of types.

// Within the namespace clue::meta:
template<typename... Elems> struct seq_;

We provide a series of meta-functions that emulate the std::vector API to work with such a sequence of types. Below is an example that illustrates the use of seq_ and some of the meta-functions working with it.

using namespace clue::meta;
using meta::seq_;
using i1 = meta::int_<1>;
using i2 = meta::int_<2>;
using i3 = meta::int_<3>;
using i4 = meta::int_<4>;

// define a sequence of static values
using s = seq_<i1, i2, i3>;

constexpr size_t n = meta::size<s>::value // n = 3;

using xf = meta::front_t<s>;  // xf is i1
using xb = meta::back_t<s>;   // xb is i3
using x0 = meta::at_t<s, 0>;  // x0 is i1
using x1 = meta::at_t<s, 1>;  // x1 is i2

using r1 = meta::push_back_t<s, i4>;
// r1 is seq_<i1, i2, i3, i4>

using r2 = meta::push_front_t<s, i4>;
// r2 is seq_<i4, i1, i2, i3>

using r3 = meta::pop_front_t<s>;
// r3 is seq_<i2, i3>

using r4 = meta::pop_back_t<s>;
// r4 is seq_<i1, i2>

using rr = meta::reverse<s>;
// rr is seq_<i3, i2, i1>

using rt = meta::transform<meta::next, s>;
// rt is seq_<i2, i3, i4>

constexpr int v1 = meta::sum<s>::value; // v1 = 6;
constexpr int v2 = meta::max<s>::value; // v2 = 3;
constexpr int v3 = meta::min<s>::value; // v3 = 1;

Basic properties

class meta::size

meta::size< seq_<elems...> > has a member constant value that equals to the number of element types.

class meta::empty

meta::empty< seq_<elems...> > has a member constant value that is true when the number of element types is zero, or false otherwise.

Element type access

class meta::front

meta::front< seq_<elems...> > has a member typedef type corresponding to the first element type.

class meta::back

meta::back< seq_<elems...> > has a member typedef type corresponding to the last element type in the sequence.

class meta::at

meta::at< seq_<elems...>, I > has a member typedef type corresponding to the I-th element type of the sequence.

class meta::first

meta::first< seq_<elems...> > has a member typedef type corresponding to the first element type. (Equivalent to using meta::front).

class meta::second

meta::second< seq_<elems...> > has a member typedef type corresponding to the second element type.

Helper aliases are provided for all these meta functions:

// Within the namespace clue::meta:

template<class Seq> using front_t  = typename front<Seq>::type;
template<class Seq> using back_t   = typename back<Seq>::type;
template<class Seq> using first_t  = typename first<Seq>::type;
template<class Seq> using second_t = typename second<Seq>::type;

template<class Seq, size_t N>
using at_t = typename at<Seq, N>::type;


class meta::clear

meta::clear< seq_<elems...> > has a member typedef type = meta::seq_<>.

class meta::pop_front

meta::pop_front< seq_<elems...> > has a member typedef type which is a meta sequence with the first element type excluded.

class meta::pop_back

meta::pop_back< seq_<elems...> > has a member typedef type which is a meta sequence with the last element type excluded.

class meta::push_front

meta::push_front< seq_<elems...>, X > has a member typedef type which prepends a type X to the front of the input meta sequence.

class meta::push_back

meta::push_back< seq_<elems...>, X > has a member typedef type which appends a type X to the back of the input meta sequence.

Helper aliases are provided for all these meta functions:

// Within the namespace clue::meta:

template<class Seq> using clear_t = typename clear<Seq>::type;
template<class Seq> using pop_front_t = typename pop_front<Seq>::type;
template<class Seq> using pop_back_t  = typename pop_back<Seq>::type;

template<class Seq, typename X>
using push_front_t = typename push_front<Seq, X>::type;

template<class Seq, typename X>
using push_back_t = typename push_back<Seq, X>::type;

Sequence reduction

All variadic reduction functions are specialized to perform reduction over a sequence, as

template<typename... Elems>
struct sum<seq_<Elems...>> : public sum<Elems...> {};

template<typename... Elems>
struct prod<seq_<Elems...>> : public prod<Elems...> {};

template<typename... Elems>
struct max<seq_<Elems...>> : public max<Elems...> {};

template<typename... Elems>
struct min<seq_<Elems...>> : public min<Elems...> {};

template<typename... Elems>
struct all<seq_<Elems...>> : public all<Elems...> {};

template<typename... Elems>
struct any<seq_<Elems...>> : public any<Elems...> {};

template<typename... Elems>
struct count_true<seq_<Elems...>> : public count_true<Elems...> {};

template<typename... Elems>
struct count_false<seq_<Elems...>> : public count_false<Elems...> {};


We also implement a collection of algorithms to work with meta sequences.

class meta::cat

meta::cat<S1, S2> has a member typedef type that is a concatenation of two meta sequences S1 and S2.

class meta::zip

meta::zip<S1, S2> has a member typedef type that zips two meta sequences S1 and S2 of the same length.


using namespace clue;
using S1 = meta::seq_<char, int>;
using S2 = meta::seq_<float, double>;

using R = typename zip<S1, S2>::type;
// meta::seq_<
//   meta::pair_<char, float>,
//   meta::pair_<int,  double>
// >
class meta::repeat

meta::repeat<X, N> has a member typedef type which is a meta sequence that repeats the type X for N times.

Example:meta::repeat<int, 3>::type is meta::seq_<int, int, int>.
class meta::reverse

meta::reverse<S> has a member typedef type which is a reversed meta sequence.

Example:meta::reverse<meta::seq_<char, short, int>>::type is meta::seq_<int, short, char>.
class meta::transform

meta::transform<F, S> has a member typedef type which is the transformed sequence obtained by applying a meta-function F to each element type of S.

class meta::transform2

meta::transform2<F, S1, S2> has a member typedef type which is the transformed sequence obtained by applying a meta-function F to each element type of S1 and that of S2.


using namespace clue;
using meta::int_;
using meta::seq_;

using S1 = seq_<int_<1>, int_<2>, int_<3>>;
using S2 = seq_<int_<4>, int_<5>, int_<6>>;

using U = typename meta::transform<meta::next, S1>::type;
// U is seq_<int_<2>, int_<3>, int_<4>>

using V = typename meta::transform2<meta::plus, S1, S2>::type;
// V is seq_<int_<5>, int_<7>, int_<9>>
class meta::filter

With a member typedef type which is the filtered sequence by retaining the element types X in S for which Pred<X>::value is true.


using namespace clue;
using meta::int_;
using meta::seq_;

using S = seq_<int_<1>, int_<2>, int_<3>>;

template<class A>
struct is_odd : public bool_<(A::value % 2 == 1)> {};

using R = typename meta::filter<is_odd, S>::type;
// R is seq_<int_<1>, int_<3>>;
class exists

exists<X, S> has a member constant value that indicates whether the type X exists as an element type of S.

class exists_if

exists_if<Pred, S> has a member constant value which is true if there exist element types X of S such that Pred<X>::value is true.

class count

count<X, S> has a member constant value which is equal to the number of occurrences of a type X in the sequence S.

class count_if

count_if<X, S> has a member constant value which is equal to the number of element types X in S that satisfy the condition Pred<X>::value is true.

Helper aliases are provided for all algorithms that transform types:

template<class S1, class S2>   using cat_t    = typename cat<S1, S2>::type;
template<class S1, class S2>   using zip_t    = typename zip<S1, S2>::type;
template<typename X, size_t N> using repeat_t = typename repeat<X, N>::type;

template<class Seq> using reverse_t = typename reverse<Seq>::type;

template<template<typename X> class F, class Seq>
using transform_t = typename transform<F, Seq>::type;

template<template<typename X, typename Y> class F, class S1, class S2>
using transform2_t = typename transform2<F, S1, S2>::type;

template<template<typename X> class Pred, class Seq>
using filter_t = typename filter<Pred, Seq>::type;